Tag Archives: gas mask

gas mask 2

Following on from gas mask 1 shown on Friday this is the pencil sketch I did of the “Human Fly” gas mask girl who goes by the name of Ika. It uses a combination of graphite pencil and “Chinagraph” pencil. Chinagraph pencils are so nice to use even though on slippery paper they tend to run out of lead fast.

I went to the Mad Square exhibition at the NSW Art Gallery on the weekend. Highly recommended! The depiction of World War 1 through the eyes of the German artists is often brutal and shocking. You get to see a few gas masks as well!

Have a good day.

gas mask 1

Ok so this was a weird night at the Woolloomooloo sketch house. For starters Ika spotted a new very fast hair cut and was looking mighty fine. Secondly more props were brought in. A large rimmed metal war hat and a gas mask. I produced 2 sketches of the gas mask one in pencil the other in ink. It was both surreal and bizarre looking at a beautiful model spotting a gas mask. You would expect to see something like that at the exhibition “The mad square :modernity in German art 1910-37” currently showing at the NSW Art Gallery not at our little sketch club. I must go see Mad Square on the weekend it has been given great reviews.

Here is gas mask 1 in ink